The Aura coverage map is maintained via a KML (Keyhole Markup Language) file that is used to display covered areas on an earth browser.

Overlaying with Google Maps

KML can be overlaid onto several earth browsers with google maps being one of the most commonly used. Below is a quick walk through on how to initialize google maps and overlay the Aura coverage map with javascript.

Initializing Google Maps

To display KML on a map, you need to first create a map object. Once you have done this, you can configure the centre point as well as default zoom.

function initMap() {
  map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
    center: new google.maps.LatLng(-19.257753, 146.823688),
    zoom: 2,
    mapTypeId: 'terrain'

Displaying the KML Layer

Before being able to display a KML file, you need to create a KMLLayer object.

The KMLLayer constructor takes in several configuration options with the most important being a public url that the maps api can load the kml file from.

All the configuration options are documented on the Maps Javascript API linked below.

var src = '';
var kmlLayer = new google.maps.KmlLayer(src, {
  suppressInfoWindows: true,
  preserveViewport: false,
  map: map

Runnable Example

Below is a working example of embedding and displaying the coverage map using javascript including basic CSS and HTML.

Note that you will need to replace the google api key with your own (this is the development key they provide for testing on their api).


The Security Aura coverage KML can be fetched from: The Medical Aura coverage KML can be fetched from: This is the url you should use when configuring the KML Layer for the relevant response type.

KML References

Example Security Coverage Map

Example Medical Coverage Map

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